HiKamPC 4 asks for logging in with a dedicated HiKam account ID. Follow the steps below to see how to create the dedicated account ID and use it.
Step 1: Launch the HiKam app on your smartphone. Tap >New Account Registrar< at the bottom. Input a new user name and password.
- Step 2: After the successful register, login the account with the user name and password created in Step 1 on the HiKam App. Go to Setting > Account and Settings. You will find the 8-digit Account starting with 0.
- Step 3: Double click to open HiKamPC.exe. Enter this 8-digit Account ID in the User-ID text box, and the password created in Step 1. Click OK
Now you enter the HiKamPC client and you can add the cameras.
(If you want to know more about Account/Account Password, Camera ID/Camera Password, you can check FAQ: ID and password)